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16 Considerations When Getting a WordPress Hosting Provider

January 11, 2023 | By David Selden-Treiman | Filed in: hosting, WordPress.


There are a number of factors to consider. You need to consider your own budget, how long you plan on hosting your website, and any upgrade fees that your provider may charge. You need to consider your website’s storage and traffic needs, along with any SSL certificate and email requirements. You’ll need to also consider the backups provided and the quality of the provider’s customer support or tutorials. You’ll also need to consider the up-time and performance of your hosting and it’s reliability. Finally, you’ll need to consider future upgrades and whether those costs are worth any current savings.


When it comes to creating and maintaining a website, finding a reliable and high-quality hosting provider is crucial. A hosting provider is responsible for keeping your website up and running, ensuring that it is accessible to visitors at all times. If your hosting provider is unreliable, it can lead to issues such as slow loading times, frequent downtimes, and even a loss of data. This can be frustrating for both you and your website’s visitors, and can ultimately lead to a decline in traffic and revenue. On the other hand, a reliable and high-quality hosting provider can provide you with peace of mind, knowing that your website is in good hands and able to handle any traffic that comes its way. In short, choosing a reliable hosting provider is an important decision that should not be taken lightly, as it can have a significant impact on the success of your website.

What Price Considerations Matter When Picking WordPress Hosting?

When comparing the pricing of hosting plans, there are a few key factors to consider.

Your Own Limit

First, determine your budget and what you are willing to spend on hosting. This will help narrow down your options and make it easier to compare plans.

Contract Length

It’s also important to consider the length of the contract. Some hosting providers offer discounts for longer contract periods, such as annual or multi-year plans. However, keep in mind that you may have to pay a higher price to cancel the contract early.

Hidden Fees

There are several hidden fees that can be found on WordPress hosting providers that you should be aware of. One common fee is an increase in the cost of domain renewal after the initial registration term. This means that the price you pay to renew your domain name may be higher than the price you paid to register it initially. Another fee to watch out for is the cost of SSL certificates, which are used to secure the connection between your website and its visitors. Some hosting providers charge extra for SSL certificates, while others include them as part of their hosting plans (see below). Other hidden fees to watch out for include charges for email accounts, storage upgrades, and forced upgrades to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) if you reach resource limits. It’s important to carefully read the fine print and understand all of the fees that may be associated with a hosting plan before making a decision.

What Features Should My WordPress Hosting Plan Have?

Storage Space & Bandwidth

The storage and bandwidth provided by a hosting plan are important because they determine how much content and traffic your website can handle. When selecting a hosting plan, it’s important to consider the current and future needs of your website. If you have a lot of high-resolution images or videos, or if you expect to receive a lot of traffic, you’ll need a hosting plan with more storage and bandwidth.

It’s worth noting that “unlimited” bandwidth does not necessarily mean that your site can handle unlimited traffic. In reality, there are limits to the amount of resources that a server can provide, and unlimited bandwidth plans may slow down or even shut down your website if it receives a sudden surge in traffic. It’s important to carefully review the terms of service for any hosting plan that claims to offer unlimited bandwidth to understand the limitations of this type of plan.

SSL Certificate

SSL certificates are used to secure the connection between your website and its visitors, and are important for protecting sensitive information such as login credentials and credit card numbers. Some WordPress hosting plans will include a free SSL certificate as part of the plan, while others will require payment for one. It’s important to carefully review the features and resources included in each hosting plan to determine whether or not an SSL certificate is included.

If a hosting plan does not include an SSL certificate, you can often purchase one separately. Some hosting providers offer SSL certificates as an add-on service, while others may require you to purchase one from a third-party provider. It’s also worth noting that some hosting providers offer SSL certificates as part of higher-tier plans, so you may need to upgrade to a more expensive plan in order to get an SSL certificate.

Please note though, that it is possible to get a free SSL certificate if you use Cloudflare, through Let’s Encrypt, or often through cPanel (which uses Let’s Encrypt). On cPanel though, it requires a plugin which may or may not be enabled through your hosting provider.

Email Accounts

Some WordPress hosting plans will include email hosting as part of the package, allowing users to create and manage email accounts through cPanel or a similar system. These email accounts can be accessed through a webmail client or by setting up the account on a desktop email client such as Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail. However, other hosting plans may not include email hosting and will require users to pay an additional fee to set up email accounts. These plans may offer more advanced email hosting features, such as increased storage space or additional security measures, but they may also come at a higher cost. It is important for users to carefully review the features included in their hosting plan and determine if email hosting is included or if they will need to purchase it separately.

Marketing Email Limitations

If you’re planning on sending out marketing email to your email list, this is another aspect to consider. Some WordPress hosting providers may place limits on the amount of promotional email that can be sent from their hosting platforms in order to prevent the abuse of their servers and protect their reputation. These limits may be based on the number of emails sent per hour or per day, or they may be based on the total number of recipients. If a user exceeds these limits, their account may be temporarily suspended or permanently disabled. It is important for users to be mindful of these limits and to carefully plan their email marketing campaigns in order to avoid any issues with their hosting provider. Users may also need to consider using a third-party email marketing service if they need to send large volumes of promotional email or if they need more advanced features such as automation or tracking.

Daily Backups

Daily backups are an important feature to consider when choosing a WordPress hosting plan, as they provide a way to safeguard your website and its data in case of any unexpected issues. A backup is a copy of all the files and data associated with your website, including your database and media files. By backing up your website on a daily basis, you can ensure that you have a recent copy of your website that you can restore if something goes wrong. This could include situations such as a hacker attack, server failure, or a plugin conflict that causes your website to crash. By having a recent backup available, you can quickly and easily restore your website to a previous state, minimizing downtime and reducing the impact on your business or personal website. It is important to regularly test your backups to ensure that they are working properly and can be restored in the event of an emergency.

Friendly, Competent Customer Service

Friendly and competent customer service is an important aspect to consider when choosing a WordPress hosting plan, as it can make a significant difference in the level of support and assistance you receive when you encounter issues or have questions about your hosting account. Having access to a team of knowledgeable and responsive customer service representatives can be particularly valuable if you are new to WordPress or hosting in general, as you may need guidance or troubleshooting assistance along the way. A hosting provider with a reputation for good customer service can also give you peace of mind knowing that you have a reliable resource to turn to when you need help. On the other hand, a hosting provider with poor customer service can make it difficult or frustrating to get the support you need, which can be a major inconvenience and potentially impact the success of your website.

Easy Tutorials

Easy to understand tutorials are an important consideration when selecting a WordPress hosting provider, as they can provide valuable guidance and assistance for those who are new to WordPress or hosting in general. Tutorials are educational resources that help users learn how to perform specific tasks or understand certain concepts related to WordPress and hosting. They can be particularly useful for those who are just starting out and may not have a lot of experience with these technologies. By offering clear and concise tutorials that are easy to follow, a hosting provider can help its users get up to speed more quickly and confidently, which can ultimately lead to a better experience overall. On the other hand, hosting providers that do not offer tutorials or have poorly written or difficult to understand tutorials can make it more challenging for users to learn and succeed with WordPress and hosting.

How Important are Performance and Up-Time When Selecting WordPress Hosting?

High Up-Time

High uptime is an important factor to consider when selecting a WordPress hosting provider, as it directly affects the availability and accessibility of your website. Uptime refers to the percentage of time that a server is online and able to serve requests. A hosting provider with high uptime will have servers that are reliable and able to stay online and functioning properly most of the time, which means that your website will be available to visitors and customers. On the other hand, a hosting provider with low uptime may have servers that experience frequent downtime, which can result in your website being inaccessible or unavailable. This can be frustrating for your visitors and can also impact your business or personal reputation if your website is frequently down. High uptime is especially important for websites that receive a lot of traffic or rely on being online for their operations, so it is essential to choose a hosting provider that can offer reliable uptime.

Get Clustered Hosting if You Can.

Clustered hosting is a type of hosting that uses a group of servers, or a cluster, to host a single website. This type of hosting can be beneficial for WordPress websites in several ways.

One advantage is increased reliability and availability. By using a cluster of servers to host your website, you can ensure that your website remains online even if one of the servers in the cluster experiences an issue.

This can be particularly useful for websites that receive a lot of traffic or have critical uptime requirements, as it reduces the risk of downtime due to server failures.

Clustered hosting can also offer improved performance, as the cluster of servers can work together to handle the load and traffic of your website more efficiently. This can result in faster page loading times and a better experience for your visitors.

Clustered hosting can help both with your web server and with your database server as well.

Overall, clustered hosting can provide a number of benefits for WordPress websites and is worth considering if it is available from your hosting provider.


High performance hosting is important for higher traffic sites as it can help ensure that the site is able to handle the increased traffic and demand without experiencing any issues. Higher traffic sites, such as those that receive a large number of visitors or that have a lot of content, can put a strain on a server and require more resources to function properly.

High performance hosting can provide the necessary resources and infrastructure to support these sites and ensure that they run smoothly and efficiently. This can include features such as faster processors, more RAM, and higher bandwidth, which can help improve the performance and speed of the site.

High performance hosting can also offer additional features such as load balancing and caching, which can further enhance the site’s performance and scalability. By choosing a hosting plan that is optimized for high performance, website owners can ensure that their site is able to handle the traffic and demand without any disruptions or issues.

Type of Hosting & Reliability

The type of hosting is an important consideration when selecting a WordPress hosting provider, as it can have a significant impact on the performance and functionality of your website. There are several different types of hosting available, including shared hosting, virtual private server (VPS) hosting, and dedicated server hosting. Each type of hosting has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, and it is important to choose the one that is best suited to your needs. Shared hosting is the most basic and affordable type of hosting, where your website is hosted on a server with other websites. It is suitable for small and medium-sized websites with low to moderate traffic. VPS hosting is a more advanced type of hosting that offers more resources and customization options than shared hosting, but is still more affordable than dedicated server hosting. It is suitable for websites with moderate to high traffic and more demanding resource requirements. Dedicated server hosting is the most expensive and comprehensive type of hosting, where a single website is hosted on a dedicated server. It is suitable for large and high-traffic websites with demanding resource needs and security requirements.

What Should I Consider for the Future Of My Website Hosting?

Future Visitor Growth

It is important to make sure that your WordPress hosting provider can handle the future growth of your website’s visitors in order to ensure that your website remains available and accessible as it expands and becomes more popular. As your website attracts more visitors, it will require more resources and processing power to function properly. If your hosting provider is unable to provide these resources, your website may become slow or unresponsive, which can be frustrating for your visitors and potentially impact your business or personal reputation. By choosing a hosting provider that can accommodate the future growth of your website, you can ensure that your website has the necessary resources to handle the increased traffic and demand as it grows. This may include features such as scalability, the ability to easily upgrade your hosting plan, and access to additional resources as needed. It is important to consider the potential growth of your website when selecting a hosting provider in order to avoid any issues as your website expands.

Cost of Future Hosting Upgrades

It is important to consider the cost of future hosting upgrades when selecting a WordPress hosting provider if you plan to expand your site, as this can have a significant impact on your budget and long-term hosting costs. As your website grows and attracts more visitors, it may require more resources and processing power to function properly. If your hosting provider does not offer the necessary resources or if you have reached the limits of your current hosting plan, you may need to upgrade to a more advanced plan that can accommodate the increased traffic and demand. While this can provide additional resources and support for your website, it may also come with a higher price tag. It is important to consider the cost of future upgrades when selecting a hosting provider in order to ensure that you have a hosting solution that is both effective and affordable as your website expands. You should also consider the flexibility of the hosting provider’s plans and the ease of upgrading in order to minimize any disruptions or additional costs as your website grows.


In conclusion, it is important to carefully consider your needs when selecting a WordPress hosting provider, as this can have a significant impact on the success and performance of your website. The hosting provider you choose will play a crucial role in the uptime, speed, security, and overall functionality of your website, and it is important to choose a provider that can meet your specific needs. This may include factors such as the type of hosting, the resources and features available, the cost and scalability of the hosting plan, and the quality of customer service. By carefully considering your needs and comparing different hosting providers, you can ensure that you choose a hosting solution that is reliable, efficient, and affordable for your website. Taking the time to research and compare different hosting options can pay off in the long run and help ensure the success of your WordPress website.

Need High-Performance Website Hosting?

    Get Hosting

    David Selden-Treiman, Director of Operations at Potent Pages.

    David Selden-Treiman is Director of Operations and a project manager at Potent Pages. He specializes in custom web crawler development, website optimization, server management, web application development, and custom programming. Working at Potent Pages since 2012 and programming since 2003, David has extensive expertise solving problems using programming for dozens of clients. He also has extensive experience managing and optimizing servers, managing dozens of servers for both Potent Pages and other clients.


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    Finding the best web hosting provider for your needs is an important step in optimizing your website. There's a lot to consider. Here are our basic recommendations:

    Simple Websites

    For simple websites, you have a lot of options. Most web hosts will do acceptably for a simple small-business website or blog.

    That said, we recommend avoiding website builders so that you maintain control of your website.

    VPS Hosting

    If you just need a simple VPS, most providers will work well. Different providers have different downtimes, but the big differentiators are cost.

    Providers like AWS and Google Cloud tend to be much more expensive than more specialized providers.

    We recommend Digital Ocean and Hetzner if you're looking for a good VPS provider at a good price (it's what we use.)

    High Performance Hosting

    If you're looking for high performance web hosting, you're going to need something more specialized.

    You can't just expect a simple cPanel host to give you what you'll need. You need a custom configuration.

    Generally, you'll need either a managed host, or you'll need to get your servers configured with custom configurations.

    If you're looking for a high performance hosting provider, we offer hosting designed for high-availability and high-traffic.

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    WordPress Hosting Setup

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    WordPress & Security

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    WordPress Backups

    Make sure to also back-up your site. It's absolutely essential, and ideally use an off-site backup provider that's different from your hosting provider.

    WordPress Speed Improvements

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    There are a number of plugins that can help improve your site's speed.


    DNS Records

    There are many different types of records, each with their own purpose. These include: SOA, A, TXT, CNAME, PTR (reverse DNS), and more. On some servers, you can also set up wildcard records.

    The records you need will depend on what you're doing; WordPress sites require different records than mail servers, for example.


    The process of your records transmitting to DNS servers around the world is called propagation. It normally takes 48 hours, but you can speed it up a bit with some planning.


    To test your DNS records, there are 2 main tools: dig and nslookup. Each is very helpful in its own specialty.

    Reliability & Security

    There are a number of ways to improve your DNS reliability and security.

    • Split Horizon allows you to separate networks, either for intranets or for separating by geographic region.
    • GeoDNS allows you to give different records to different locations based on the requesting IP address. This allows you to create your own CDN, speeding up your site.
    • DNS over QUIC speeds up your DNS requests and gives you better DNS security by encrypting your DNS connection.
    • DNSSEC allows you to sign and encrypt your DNS connection, ensuring that nobody is changing your records.
    • DNS over HTTPS allows your visitors to request your DNS records over an encrypted connection.

    Internationalized Domains

    Internationalized domain names allow character encodings other than Latin characters. They have their own methods for backward compatibility.

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