How to Crawl a Website With Node.js in March, 2025
Whether you are looking to obtain data from a website, track changes on the internet, or use a website API, website crawlers are a great way to get the data you need. While they have many components, crawlers fundamentally use a simple process: download the raw data, process and extract it, and, if desired, store the data in a file or database. There are many ways to do this, and many languages you can build your spider or crawler in.
Node.js is a server development environment that facilitates building applications in JavaScript, and that are called by webpages using JavaScript. It is increasingly popular for web applications and websites that perform complex functions, including website crawling. These tutorials use Node.js to download the source websites and to perform the data extraction.

Crawlee Tutorial: Easy Web Scraping and Browser Automation
This tutorial uses the Crawlee package to handle downloading pages using requests. Crawlee is basically a uniform interface for handling downloading requests across multiple types of downloads. This tutorial also goes over how to handle using Puppeteer for headless browser crawling with Node.js and the Crawlee library.

Node Js Create Web Scraping Script using Cheerio Tutorial
This is a relatively simple tutorial showing how to download and extract data using the Cheerio, pretty, and Axios libraries.

Nodejs | Web Crawling Using Cheerio
This tutorial uses Node.js to to download pages and the Cheerio library to parse the DOM of the downloaded page.

Web Scraping with JavaScript and NodeJS
This tutorial is pretty in-depth and goes over multiple libraries for downloading pages, including the built-in HTTP client, the fetch API, Axios, SuperAgent, and Request. It also goes over how to parse data from the downloaded pages.

How to Scrape Websites with Node.js and Cheerio
This tutorial goes over parsing pages using the Cheerio library. It spends significant time going over the setup of Cheerio and the rest of the project, as well as a number of DOM access and manipulations you can do with Cheerio.

Node.js Web Scraping Tutorial
This tutorial goes over how to download webpages using Node.js. It also goes over using the node-crawler package to access the DOM of a webpage and extract out the links for crawling an entire site.

Web Scraping with NodeJs and Cheerio
This tutorial overviews Node.js and Cheerio and gives an in-depth example of how to crawl Steam and extract data from pages there.

How To Scrape a Website Using Node.js and Puppeteer
This tutorial uses Node.js and Puppeteer to download and extract information from a demo site. It goes over setting up the browser instance with Puppeteer, downloading a page, then downloading multiple pages. Finally, it covers data extraction.

How To Use node.js, request and cheerio to Set Up Simple Web Scraping
This is a tutorial on how to use node.js, jQuery, and Cheerio to set up simple web crawler. This include instructions for installing the required modules and code for extracting desired content from the HTML DOM, calculated using Cheerio.

Getting started with Selenium Webdriver for node.js
This is a tutorial made by Max Edmands about using the selenium-webdriver library with node.js and phantom.js to build a website crawler. It includes steps for setting up the run environment, building the driver, visiting the page, verification of the page, querying the HTML DOM to obtain the desired content, and interacting with the page once the HTML has been downloaded and parsed.

Easy Web Scraping With Node.js
This is a tutorial posted by Miguel Grinberg about building a web scraper using Node.js and Cheerio. This provides instruction and sample code for downloading webpages using the request module in Node.js, and finding desired content using Cheerio with a calculated HTML DOM.

Handling AJAX calls with Node.js and Express
This is a tutorial posted by Michael Herman about performing AJAX calls with Node.js and the Express library. It shows how to create both the server-side and client-side scripts, and shows how to store the data in MongoDB.

Building a webclient (a crawler) using Node.js – Code Maven
This is a tutorial made by Gabor Szabo about building a website crawler with Node.js. This include codes for downloading and parsing the data, and an explanation for how to deal with redirected pages.

How to Scrape Web Pages with Node.js and jQuery
This is a tutorial made by Jaime Tanori on how to scrape web pages with node.js and jQuery. This includes instructions for setting up the Express framework, installing the modules, and explanations on building the simple web scraper using jQuery.