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How To Create a Web Crawler in March, 2025

Whether you are looking to obtain data from a website, track changes on the internet, or use a website API, website crawlers are a great way to get the data you need. While they have many components, crawlers fundamentally use a simple process: download the raw data, process and extract it, and, if desired, store the data in a file or database. There are many ways to do this, and many languages you can build your spider or crawler in.

There are many libraries and add-ons that can make building a crawler easier. From building the HTML document object model (DOM) for easy traversal in order to make extracting content easier (Cheerio), to supporting the use of javascript-based queries to easily facilitate the use of browsers to control the crawlers (Node.js), building a web crawler doesn’t have to be hard.

These tutorials are arranged by subject and language/technology/libraries used. To view more tutorials for a particular area, just click the title or the link at the end. This will take you to a fuller list of available tutorials.

PHP Web Crawler Tutorials

Downloading a Webpage Using Selenium & PHP

Wondering how to control Chrome using PHP? Want to extract all of the visible text from a webpage? In this tutorial, we use Selenium and PHP to do this!

How to Download a Webpage using PHP and cURL

Downloading a Webpage Using PHP and cURL

Looking to automatically download webpages? Here’s how to download a page using PHP and cURL.

Web Crawler Development Techniques

Quick PHP Web Crawler Techniques

Looking to have your web crawler do something specific? Try this page. We have some code that we regularly use for PHP web crawler development, including extracting images, links, and JSON from HTML documents.

How to create a simple PHP web crawler to download a website

Creating a Simple PHP Web Crawler

Looking to download a site or multiple webpages? Interested in examining all of the titles and descriptions for a site? We created a quick tutorial on building a script to do this in PHP. Learn how to download webpages and follow links to download an entire website.

How to create a polite PHP web crawler using robot.txt.

Creating a Polite PHP Web Crawler: Checking robots.txt

In this tutorial, we create a PHP website spider that uses the robots.txt file to know which pages we’re allowed to download. We continue from our previous tutorials to create a robust web spider and expand on it to check for download crawling permissions.

Web Crawlers and Proxies: How to Use Proxies with PHP Web Crawlers

Getting Blocked? Use a Free Proxy

If you’re tired of getting blocked when using your web crawlers, we recommend using a free proxy. In this article, we go over what proxies are, how to use them, and where to find free ones.

Python Web Crawler Tutorials

Python is an easy-to-use scripting language, with many libraries and add-ons for making programs, including website crawlers. These tutorials use Python as the primary language for development, and many use libraries that can be integrated with Python to more easily build the final product.

Web crawling with Python

The tutorial covers different web crawling strategies and use cases and explains how to build a simple web crawler from scratch in Python using Requests and Beautiful Soup. It also covers the benefits of using a web crawling framework like Scrapy.

The tutorial then goes on to show how to build an example crawler with Scrapy to collect film metadata from IMDb and how Scrapy can be scaled to websites with several million pages.

The tutorial is well-written, easy to follow, and provides practical examples that readers can use to develop their own web crawlers.

Web Crawling in Python

These tutorials by Jason Brownlee give 3 examples of crawlers in Python: downloading pages using the requests library, extracting data using Pandas, and using Selenium to download dynamic Javascript-dependent data.

Making Web Crawlers Using Scrapy for Python

This tutorial guides you through the process of building a web scraper for It also provides a comparison between Scrapy and BeautifulSoup.

The tutorial includes step-by-step instructions for installing Scrapy, using the Scrapy Shell to test assumptions about website behavior, and using CSS selectors and XPath for data extraction.

The tutorial concludes with a demonstration of how to create a custom spider for a Scrapy project to scrape data from

Web Crawler In Python

This python tutorial uses the requests library to download pages in Python and the beautifulSoup4 library to handle parsing and extracting data from the downloaded HTML pages.

Build a Python Web Crawler From Scratch

Bekhruz Tuychiev takes you through the basics of HTML DOM structure and XPath, showing you how to locate specific elements on a web page and extract data from them.

The tutorial also includes a practical example of scraping an online store’s computer section and storing the extracted data in a custom class.

Additionally, the author demonstrates how to handle pagination and scrape data from multiple pages using the same XPath syntax.

Python Web Scraping Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to use the requests and Beautiful Soup libraries to download pages and parse them.

Scrapy Web Crawler Tutorials

Making Web Crawlers Using Scrapy for Python

This tutorial guides you through the process of building a web scraper for It also provides a comparison between Scrapy and BeautifulSoup.

The tutorial includes step-by-step instructions for installing Scrapy, using the Scrapy Shell to test assumptions about website behavior, and using CSS selectors and XPath for data extraction.

The tutorial concludes with a demonstration of how to create a custom spider for a Scrapy project to scrape data from

How To Crawl A Web Page with Scrapy and Python 3

This tutorial by Justin Duke on the Digital Ocean community section gives a tutorial on how to extract quotes from a webpage using the Scrapy library.

Scraping Web Pages with Scrapy – Michael Herman

This is a tutorial posted by Michael Herman about crawling web pages with Scrapy using Python using the Scrapy library. This include code for the central item class, the spider code that performs the downloading, and about storing the data once is obtained.

Build a Python Web Crawler with Scrapy – DevX

This is a tutorial made by Alessandro Zanni on how to build a Python-based web crawler using the Scrapy library. This includes describing the tools that are needed, the installation process for python, and scraper code, and the testing portion.

Java Web Crawler Tutorials

A Guide to Crawler4j

This shows how to create a multiple web crawlers using crawler4j, including downloading text-based HTML pages and binary image data.

How to make a simple webcrawler with JAVA ….(and jsoup)

This tutorial shows how to use jsoup to download pages from CNN. It’s relatively quick and simple.

How To Build Web Crawler With Java

This tutorial by Damilare Jolayemi shows how to create a simple web crawler using Heritrix, JSoup, Apache Nutch, Stormcrawler, and Gecco.

What is a Webcrawler and where is it used?

This tutorial shows how to create a web crawler from scratch in Java, including downloading pages and extracting links.

jsoup – Basic Web Crawler Example

This tutorial shows how to create a basic web crawler using the jsoup library.

Node.js Web Crawler Tutorials

Node.js is a JavaScript engine that runs on a server to provide information in a traditional AJAX-like manner, as well as to do stand-alone processing. Node.js is designed to be able to scale across multiple cores, and to be quick and efficient, using a single core per server and using event handlers to run everything, reducing operating system overhead with multiple processes.

Web Scraping with Node JS in 2023

This tutorial shows how to download and extract data using Node.js. It also provides multiple examples, including using Puppeteer and Cheerio.

Node Js Create Web Scraping Script using Cheerio Tutorial

This is a relatively simple tutorial showing how to download and extract data using the Cheerio, pretty, and Axios libraries.

Nodejs | Web Crawling Using Cheerio

This tutorial uses Node.js to to download pages and the Cheerio library to parse the DOM of the downloaded page.

How to Scrape Websites with Node.js and Cheerio

This tutorial goes over parsing pages using the Cheerio library. It spends significant time going over the setup of Cheerio and the rest of the project, as well as a number of DOM access and manipulations you can do with Cheerio.

Node.js Web Scraping Tutorial

This tutorial goes over how to download webpages using Node.js. It also goes over using the node-crawler package to access the DOM of a webpage and extract out the links for crawling an entire site.

Cheerio Web Crawler Tutorials

Web Scraping with Node JS in 2023

This tutorial shows how to download and extract data using Node.js. It also provides multiple examples, including using Puppeteer and Cheerio.

Nodejs | Web Crawling Using Cheerio

This tutorial uses Node.js to to download pages and the Cheerio library to parse the DOM of the downloaded page.

Web Scraping with NodeJs and Cheerio

This tutorial overviews Node.js and Cheerio and gives an in-depth example of how to crawl Steam and extract data from pages there.

Cheerio Tutorial

This tutorial focuses on extracting data with Cheerio, focusing on selecting data for extraction.

How to Scrape Websites with Node.js and Cheerio

This tutorial goes over parsing pages using the Cheerio library. It spends significant time going over the setup of Cheerio and the rest of the project, as well as a number of DOM access and manipulations you can do with Cheerio.

Apache Nutch Web Crawler Tutorials

Nutch Web Crawler Tutorial

This is the primary tutorial for the Nutch project, written in Java for Apache. This covers the concepts for using Nutch, and codes for configuring the library. The tutorial integrates Nutch with Apache Sol for text extraction and processing.

Web Crawling with Nutch and Elasticsearch

This tutorial goes over how to set up and run Nutch, while saving the link data. It also covers indexing the link data with Elasticsearch for searching.

Your First Steps to Building a Web Crawler: Integrating Nutch with Solr

This tutorial goes over setting up Apache Nutch, configuring it to crawl pages, and extract out links. The tutorial then goes over how to search the links with/ Solr.

Apache Nutch – Step by Step

This tutorial goes over how to install and configure Apache Nutch, MongoDB, Solr, and run everything on an AWS instance. It also includes a simple crawling setup.

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