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How to make your website load in under 2 seconds using Apache, Nginx, Redis, PHP7, MySQL, and WordPress

Load Times Under 2s: MySQL, Apache, PHP7 & Composer

May 6, 2018 | By David Selden-Treiman

Installing MySQL Next we need to install MySQL. This will be our database of choice however you can easily use • Read More »

How to make your website load in under 2 seconds using Apache, Nginx, Redis, PHP7, MySQL, and WordPress

Load Times Under 2s: Installing Software

May 6, 2018 | By David Selden-Treiman

How I lowered my website load times below 2 seconds... a step-by-step tutorial including WordPress, Nginx, Apache, Redis, MySQL, PHP7

How to make your website load in under 2 seconds using Apache, Nginx, Redis, PHP7, MySQL, and WordPress

How I Got My Pages to Load in Under 2s*

April 2, 2018 | By David Selden-Treiman

*Your speed times will probably vary, depending on your location, internet connection speed, etc. My Results I started out with • Read More »

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